
Keep Gates Clean!

In Gates there is a wonderful initiative called Keep Gates Clean. Every Saturday they pick up garbage along roads in a selected part of Gates, moving to new sections each week. I applaud their efforts, and if I could join them during their scheduled times I would. But not able to do so, I decided to do my own garbage pickup. I went along a section of Downsview Drive, including a drainage ditch, a fence that runs along the road, and a few front yards. I picked up two bags of garbage. It does not measure up to how much the good folks at Keep Gates Clean do each week, but it helps. I urge more people to mount similar efforts in their own neighborhoods to help keep our Town clean!   

Two Days to Go!

  Back on September 27, I announced I was running as a write-in candidate for Gates Town Board. Several factors led me to make this decision. One was that the two officially announced candidates were running unopposed. They were running as Republicans with cross endorsement by the Conservative Party. But the other parties active locally - the Democrats, the Greens, the Libertarians - didn't have anyone running. Nothing against the candidates personally, but with them running unopposed the people of Gates had no choice; that's not democracy. I also thought that this would give me a chance to promote some of my pro-life,, environmental, and open government values. Finally, I thought it would be a way to promote the American Solidarity Party. My initial campaign pledges included banning Planned Parenthood from town sponsored and financed events, and preserving green space in the town. They now stand at: - Banning Planned Parenthood from all town sponsored and financed events - Pa...

Scenes From The Dolomite Forest and Wildlife Area

  I visited the Dolomite Forest and Wildlife Area, gaining access through a road that enters part of it. The area is at the center of a controversy. The 110 acres donated to the Town were initially intended for parkland and nature trails, but the Town of Gates began considering using some of the land to relocate the Town Highway Department. The facilities would be in view of a number of homes. Neighbors are concerned about the noise, the heavy traffic, the pollution, and the lowering of property values. Neighbors protested, as they continue do, and Town officials said it's not a done deal - despite thousands being already spent and even proposed site plans being developed. The neighbors are skeptical.  Below are some of the homes that can be seen from the proposed site of the Department's buildings and garages: This is the site of one of the proposed entrance roads - between two houses! Imagine heavy equipment driving between these homes. Trees would have to be removed. The si...

Imagine Looking Out Your Back Window ...

  Imagine looking our your back window and seeing something like the above. That's what some residents along Hinchey Road and Howard Road might see if the Town of Gates does ultimately decide to relocate the Highway Department to part of the Dolomite Forest and Wildlife area.  Although the buildings will be newer, and there may be some landscaping, there will still be buildings in clear view from backyards. Some of those buildings will likely be taller. There would also be vehicles parked there. And, as time passes, the facilities will wear down.  If elected as a Councilman, I will oppose any efforts to use the Dolomite nature area for this purpose. The area should be left for parkland and nature trails. Gates needs more green space. The Highway Department facilities do need improvement. But there are more appropriate sites where the Department can be housed - including the current site where improved facilities can be built.

Flier and Ballot


From the ASP Blog - The GOP Question

How to Answer the GOP Question OCT 17 The one question I am often asked by people of my faith tradition is why I left the GOP. It’s not an easy one to answer. My reasons for first edging towards the door and eventually running screaming from the room are often their reasons for staying. However I am starting to find more and more Catholics who are unwilling to hold their noses and vote for the proffered GOP candidate. They are becoming truly conflicted. Sure, the GOP seems to be a pro-life party when it comes to abortion. Some of them can even justify their continued support of the Republican Party because they consider opposing abortion the most important part of being pro-life. They are, however, becoming quickly disenchanted with the childish debates and the continued love affair with the former President as he winds his way through the court system. They do not like the present administration (neither do I) but their perceived “only course of political action” is starting to stink ...

Party Enrollment: Hiding Third Parties?

  A check of the Monroe County Board of Elections database for party enrollments shows that it follows the state practice and breaks out only the four parties the state recognizes: Democratic, Republican, Conservative, and Working Family. That is due to a rule that only those parties that tallied 50,000 votes in the most gubernatorial election are officially recognized. That means that small parties like the American Solidarity Party are all tossed under the category "Blanks" - along with the voters who did not register with a particular party. Why? Is this a way to control and hide those third parties? Is this a way to try to prevent them from getting attention and followers? Is this a way to make it more difficult for them to get candidates on the ballot? One wonders. When it comes to Gates, here's the breakdown as of October 2023: Registered voters: 19,898      Democratic 7,482      Republican 5,714      Conservative 433   ...