Scenes From The Dolomite Forest and Wildlife Area


I visited the Dolomite Forest and Wildlife Area, gaining access through a road that enters part of it.

The area is at the center of a controversy. The 110 acres donated to the Town were initially intended for parkland and nature trails, but the Town of Gates began considering using some of the land to relocate the Town Highway Department. The facilities would be in view of a number of homes. Neighbors are concerned about the noise, the heavy traffic, the pollution, and the lowering of property values. Neighbors protested, as they continue do, and Town officials said it's not a done deal - despite thousands being already spent and even proposed site plans being developed. The neighbors are skeptical. 

Below are some of the homes that can be seen from the proposed site of the Department's buildings and garages:

This is the site of one of the proposed entrance roads - between two houses!

Imagine heavy equipment driving between these homes.

Trees would have to be removed.

The site does lend itself to trails.

It's not clear that the Town will indeed proceed with plans to relocate the Highway Department to part of this land. There are other sites available that would work better and would not affect a residential neighborhood as this proposal would. If elected to the Town Council, I would oppose any efforts to use this land for anything other than parkland and nature trails.


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