No to Physician-Assisted Suicide

The  New York State Assembly and Senate this past year considered a bill - A995/S2445 - that would have allowed doctors to prescribe lethal medications to terminally ill patents.

Physician-assisted suicide.

A step on the slippery slope to euthanasia.

The Legislative session ended in 2023 without a final vote, but it is anticipated the bill will be resurrected in January.

If elected to the Gates Town Board, I will seek to have the Board issue a resolution opposing any such physician-assisted suicide legislation. Even  though such a town resolution would not be binding on the State Legislature, it would still be the moral and ethical thing to do, and it might help to bring attention to the issue and to objections to legalizing physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in our state.

The American Solidarity Party opposes assisted suicide and euthanasia, stating in its Principles: We recognize that assisted suicide and euthanasia are violations of disability rights, medical ethics, and human dignity, and must be prohibited.

I entirely agree.


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